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Wheelchair Ramps are Not Only for Wheelchairs

Wheelchair and scooter ramps

When you think of Wheelchair Ramps, you automatically think of them for wheelchair use. However, ramps are a critical safety apparatus for multiple users in your home, church, school or business. A ramp is much safer and easier to use than stairs for anyone with any type of mobility issue. Think of the various people and equipment which may need to access your steps or change in elevation. A safe even slope is much better to navigate than steps are. A ramp greatly reduces fall risks when compared to steps. Ramps are relatively inexpensive and come in a variety of materials, depending on your application and the amount of traffic it needs to carry. There are appealing Ramps designed for interior or exterior use. Consider how welcome and helpful a Ramp (instead of steps) would be for these users:


  • Anyone using a Rollator or Walker of any type.
  • A young family pushing an infant stroller and trying to help a toddler at the same time.
  • Someone using crutches due to a foot or leg injury.
  • An elderly person (even without the assistance of a walker) who is already a high fall risk.
  • A person recovering from hip, foot or knee surgery using a knee scooter.
  • A shopper going in or out the door while bags obscure their vision and offset their balance.
  • Someone who is weak from illness or chemo treatments.
  • One who suffers from vertigo or poor balance.
  • A busy toddler who runs ahead of parents.
  • When weather conditions make stairs unsafe.
  • An expectant mother whose balance is not in peak performance.
  • Any type of delivery that requires carrying boxes by hand or a handtruck.
  • Those who are on oxygen or have breathing issues which leaves them easily winded.
  • Anyone weak from heart problems or other health challenges who cannot safely navigate steps.

Wheelchair Ramp

The useful ways mobility ramps are used is endless. It’s true that there are hundreds of thousands in America who use manual or power wheelchairs, as well as power scooters, who depend on ramps to access homes, churches, businesses, clinics, parks, malls, offices. Yet when you really think about it, millions of other people need ramps for various reasons, as well.

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