3 Handicap Accessible Bathroom Products That Enhance Safety And Mobility
Approximately 53 million Americans live with a disability, and according to a recent study, the most common disabilities are all related to limited mobility. For those with mobility issues, simply completing everyday errands like going to the grocery store or taking the bus to work can be a logistical nightmare. At the same time, they may also have trouble doing important tasks around their home.
Recently, Home Advisor’s 2016 Aging in Place Report found that 48% of homeowners over age 55 say that the bathroom is the top area in the home that they have considered modifying for aging in place. Fortunately, there are many simple steps that can help make your bathroom safer and more accessible than ever before, an example of this could companies similar to AHM Installations – www.ahminstallations.co.uk – who provides walk-in and mobility bathrooms.
Here are just a few suggestions for transforming your bathroom into a room that anyone can feel safe and comfortable using.
Step-In Shower
Bathing and showering can be difficult for many people with mobility issues, especially if they require a wheelchair. While typical showers have an edge to keep water off the floor, installing a handicap accessible bathroom shower without an edge makes it possible to simply ride a wheelchair into the shower and back out again without little to no difficulty whatsoever. Of course, this does require the user to have a shower chair intended for submergence in water or a bench that one could transfer onto.
Shower Grab Bar
Another aspect of bathroom accessibility standards is minimizing the risk of slips and falls while in the bathroom. Installing a shower grab bar is one of the best ways to stay safe while bathing. In fact, Home Advisor’s 2016 Aging in Place Report also found that 71% of home service professionals say the top aging-in-place projects they’ve been hired to do included installing bathroom grab bars. These bathroom accessibility products are minimally invasive, easy to use, and drastically help to reduce the risk of slipping or falling while bathing.
Wheelchair Accessible Sink
When considering handicap bathroom requirements, many people neglect to realize that the sink could pose accessibility issues as well. How high should bathroom sinks be for wheelchair users?
Here’s what the Spinal Cord Injury Zone recommends:
A bathroom vanity with space under it for a wheelchair can make it extremely easy for a handicapped person to wash their hands and brush their teeth. An ideal sink height for a wheelchair bound person is 30″, and a 34″ height should not be exceeded. For a very tall person who is not wheelchair bound but has trouble bending, a 40″ sink height is recommended.
Ultimately, taking these handicap accessible bathroom products and installation services into consideration can help you or someone you love stay as safe and independent as possible. Contrary to popular belief, there are relatively simple and cost-friendly ways to make the bathroom both safe and accessible.
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