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Choosing a Portable Wheelchair Ramp for Your Home

If you are a wheelchair or power scooter user, you probably have a ramp system that allows you to enter and exit your home easily. But when it comes to places that are not wheelchair accessible like family or friends’ homes, vacation spots or other places, mobility of wheelchair users becomes difficult. The ideal solution to this problem is the use of a portable wheelchair ramp. Setting up a portable wheelchair ramp enables easy access in your home and this equipment can be carried along when travelling.

Better Mobility with Different Types of Portable Ramps

There are different types of portable ramps available for home use. The right type of ramp can be chosen according to your needs and the following are some of the ramps available.

  • Threshold ramps: These are ramps that are used to navigate a raised threshold. These types of ramps are usually small, lightweight and suitable for a small and slight raise.
  • Exterior ramps: This type of ramp is for external use and is available in aluminum and other durable material. These can be customized according to your needs.
  • Doorway ramps: Doorway ramps can be used for a small flight of stairs; these can be used in residential as well as commercial spaces.
  • Shower ramps: These are specially designed ramps to fit into the bathrooms to avoid slips and falls.

Portable ramps can be easily moved or stored with the purpose of allowing mobility impaired individuals access to areas that are challenging. Therefore it is important to ensure that the portable ramps are compact, lightweight but sturdy and durable. It is ideal if they can be folded and carried for ease of transport. Portable ramps are usually made of aluminum but they are also available in other materials such as sand paper non-slip tape, and raised button material that offers outstanding grip and durability.

Advantages of Portable Wheelchair Ramps

The main advantage of a portable ramp is that it is easy to transport and a convenient solution to wheelchairs and power scooter users.

  • With portable ramps, disabled and elderly people can go out to public places and enjoy the surroundings.
  • Portable ramps can navigate thresholds, curbs, entrances, pick-up trucks, vans, SUVs and various other applications.
  • They give mobility impaired individuals a great sense of independence and this improves their self confidence too.

If you wish to purchase a portable wheelchair ramp, make sure that you approach a reliable dealer. National Seating & Mobility provides different types of ramps at competitive prices and is a reliable resource for customers.

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