Patient Lifts– a Critical Safety Tool for Professional and Home Caregivers
The highest rate of injury is found in the healthcare industry by those who lift and transition patients on a regular basis like CNAs, transport techs and nurses. In fact, OSHA reports seven times more musculoskeletal disorders in healthcare than any other industry. Part of that is due to the average age of nurses now being over 44 years old, heavier patients, and the call for speedier work. The high risk of permanent injuries affects not only professional caregivers, but also the paid or volunteer caregiver in private residential settings. Many family members and friends care for someone at home without the training and equipment that might be available for professional caregivers.
Eleven states now require lifting and transitioning in hospitals to be aided by proper patient lifts to protect the caregiver’s health. There are a lot of different models of patient lifts available that not only safeguard the caregiver and patient from potential injuries, but will make for smoother, less stressful lifting and transitioning. Many models are affordable for home use. Careful research and consultation with accessibility experts will ensure the correct patient lift choices for institutional use and residential use.
Professional Patient Lifts
There is a wide array of patient lifts available to the healthcare industry whether it is in a hospital, nursing home, clinic, or school setting. These invaluable tools will greatly reduce employee injuries, many of which are career-ending. Days off due to injuries will be reduced. Production is increased as the lifting and transitioning takes less time and people to assist. Patient lifts also safeguard the patient from unnecessary falls. Adding the proper patient lifts and making them readily available to each floor is a cost effective, wise and compassionate investment. Today’s technology includes everything from simple slings designed to pull migrating patients back up in bed to sit-to-stand lifts, floor models, overhead lifts, portable and installed lifts, hygiene lifts which aide in toileting, as well as a wide array of therapeutic lifts to aide in standing and walking. There are also bariatric patient lifts for large patients. The wide selection of patient lifts and price range should mean every single medical setting has some sort of lift available. Accessibility professionals can assist with the best choices for safety in your
Private Home Patient Lifts
Patient Lifts can be just as critical in caring for someone in a private home. Many caregivers are older and are at even greater risk for musculoskeletal disorders from attempting to lift or transition the one they are caring for. With such a great variety of Patient Lifts available, there are many options to aide in lifting patients in the home safely. It could even mean the difference in being able to stay in their private home as opposed to going to a medical facility. Lifts are available to lift from the bed to wheelchair or from sitting to standing, to assist with hygiene, or to transition so the linens can be changed without injury.
When caring for those with mobility challenges, having a patient lift is critical for both patient and caregiver both in private homes or medical institutions. Patient Lifts are a critical tool.
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