Nuprodx Tub Sliding System
A commode chair, tub access slider system, and in-home mobility chair in one complete unit. This full-featured model contains a center-of-mass, tilt-in-space design with head support that provides maximum comfort and stability for a person with a higher-level disability. Requiring just one bedside transfer, the Nuprodx Tub Sliding System eliminates the need for transfers onto toilets and into tubs in the dangerous bathroom environment. The system also includes the smoothest rolling transfer system on the market that is safe and convenient for the user and caregiver.
Features of this model:
- Modular design with built-in adjustment features and made-in-the-USA.
- Standard 17”x17” seat size with optional 17”x20” configuration.
- Hand-wrapped Naugahyde cushions.
- Aircraft-grade aluminum, brass and stainless steel components.
- Patented connector bridge to slide over and into tub.
- High quality Derlin wheels and self-aligning slider tracks for smooth transfer of seat into tub.
- The unit comes standard with adjustable headrest, hand-cranked operated tilt-in-space mechanism and flip-back cantilever arms.
Want this for your home? Call Now!
(866) 757-5589
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